Monday, September 17, 2012

'Whitewash' storm as the PC cleared of killing Ian Tomlinson is sacked at last for misconduct... but keeps his police pension

  • Scotland Yard holds police disciplinary proceedings in public for first time
  • Pc Simon Harwood, 45, hit Mr Tomlinson, 47, with his baton and pushed him to the ground during the G20 protests in London in 2009
  • Metropolitan Police disciplinary panel finds he committed gross misconduct and dismisses him without notice
  • But panel decides not to consider allegation that Harwood's actions inadvertently caused or contributed to Mr Tomlinson's death
  • Mr Tomlinson's family dismiss proceedings as a 'whitewash' and vow to take civil action 
  • Harwood has already been acquitted of Mr Tomlinson's manslaughter

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